Sunday, November 18, 2007


One day medical camp in Kalabakan
A one-day medical camp will be held at the Kalabakan/ Serudung Laut this Sunday that will benefit the rural people in the area. Rotary Club of Tawau Tanjung President Peter Wong said each year the club organizes a community programme and in line with this year’s Rotary theme, ‘Rotary Shares’, the medical camp project would be a meaningful one for Rotary and Kalabakan. “One of the main items is eradication of polio and the club hopes to do more of such projects that will benefit the people in future,” he said. Project chairman Desmond Liew said the one-day project is held in collaboration with the hospital’s dental unit, Sabah Health Department and Sabah Family Planning Unit.
“Three dentists, 16 personnel and four doctors from the Health Department and five assistants and four personnel from the Family Planing Unit are taking part in the camp. They will do medical checks on children aged three to 12 years old and the adults at 11am at the Usahawan Borneo Plantation’s Ladang Selimpopon office,” he said. Desmond said the medical camp covers checks on health, blood pressure, dental and fillings, diabetes, polio vaccination for children under six years old, deworming for children, talk on family planning, oral cancer screening and talk on prevention. The club would also be donating used clothing, toothpaste and toothbrushes to the community there .
On the same day , the Rotary Club of Tawau Tanjung will conduct a literacy project which will be headed by the club’s Vocational Service Director, Past President Jimmy Lim. ‘Literacy is one of the Rotary International’s worldwide long-term projects to give the world community access to literacy program and learning skills. The Usahawan Borneo Plantation is operating an estate school catered for the estate community, which will be expanded to the nearby estate community in the near future,” said Peter. He said it provides basic learning program for young kids aged 6 to 10 at the estate with English and Bahasa Malaysia as the main subjects on top of Mathematics. “We will be providing textbooks and writing material for the estate students to improve their learning skills,” he said.